HALL Having lamianted wooden floor & ceiling cornicing
LOUNGE 17'4" X 11'7" Having fireplace, ceiling cornicing, laminated wooden.
KITCHEN 11'7" X 10'9" Having range of eye and low level units with matching pelmet over window and extractor canopy, 1 1/2 bowl stainless steel sink unit with mixer taps, plumbed for washing machine and dishwasher, tiling between units, tiled floor, open plan to dining area. DINING AREA 10'1" X 6'6" Having laminated wooden floor.
BEDROOM (1) 15'7" X 9'5" having laminated wooden floor and ceiling cornicing.
BEDROOM (2) 11' X 9'9"
BATHROOM Comprising bath with telephone hand shower to taps, WHB, WC, walk in tiled shower, 1/2 tiled walls, tiled floor, recessed lighting.
LANDING Having hotpress, toilet & WHB off.
BEDROOM (3) 13'1" X 10' Having storage space
BEDROOM (4) 13'1" X 9'9"
EXTERIOR FEATURES GARAGE Having roller door, light & pwoer points, work bench, side window and door Garden Shed Neat lawns to front and rear Lawn to rear enclosed by fence and gate.